
Sweet Emma's heart, covenant and burden always was -- and still is -- the protection, nurturing and safety of the whole human family, but most especially the tender and innocent infants and children!

Index to site content:

  1. FamilyVsState.org  -- The heart breaking experience effecting the family of Our Dear Tabernacle Organist, Clay and Diane Christiansen, and their Daughter and Son-in-law, Carolee and Dan Thaxton
  2. ChildrensHolocaustUSA.org  --   A Israeli mother's sorrow as her two youngest children are taken, drugged and ruined under guise of teenscreen and child protection in America.
  3. DanielInTheLionsDen.us, (.net or .info) -- A similar experience to our Tabernacle Organist above in the near death of another family's (David and Mary Conrad's) infant (of another faithful family) after they moved to a new mfd. home in Manti Utah
  4. GassingAmerican.us , GassingUtah.us , GassingNativeAmerica.us -- The disclosure that the same poisoning occurring as cause in DanielInTheLionsDen.us has been designed into all Manufactured and Mobile homes constructed since June 15, 1976 (some even earlier) when HUD became the (malfeasant) regulatory power (primarily housing the poor).
  5. LicenseToKill.us aka PoisoningThePoor.us is the extension of GassingAmerican.us and DanielInTheLionsDen.us as all the forces of evil -- in illegal recruiting, human subjugation and human trafficking (along with 'Ponied' contraband, pornography and drug trafficking) -- became evident (even with their attempts to injure and assassinate me) as the conjured "Federal Jurisdiction" facilitates "housing sanctuary" in these 8 to 12 million HUD (and FEMA) regulated and supplied housing units.

Note: I originally purchased this EmmaSmith.org domain and web space to help wonderful Mamie Bjortth obtain public visibility and scheduling access for her "Emma Smith" Know Your Religion Series (BYU) presentations, but sweet Mamie has chosen to retire, and, to our loss, does no longer find it easy to travel, as she used to, and so now strictly limits her inspiring presenations honoring Emma Smith, her motherhood, sisterhood, womanhood and being the wife of the Prophet.

I do hope others will pickup that banner and honor Emma as did Mamie, so I will maintain this space anticipating that moment, but in the meantime I will try to use it in that area which was most dear ro Emma; the safety and well being of humanity's precious children and their families -- including yours! tlr